
In short, The Movement Clinic is about helping people in the Pasadena area reclaim the longevity of their physical well-being by building physically robust and mentally resilient individuals through the means of physical therapy and strength training.

Here is the not-so-short version of what we are about:

More and more people are wanting to be proactive with their physical health by staying active and exercising but often times they hit a roadblock.

Whether it’s those repetitive knee injuries, long-standing back pain, or plateaus in physical performance that are holding you back — we’ve seen it.

From the hundreds of people in the Pasadena area that we’ve helped, the vast majority of people that come to us are looking for one thing…


We find that many have tried unnecessary medications, injections, and have seen multiple other medical professionals but are left feeling lost.

They feel like there is a lack of clarity in what exactly the problem(s) are and a sense of uncertainty if their body can ever bounce back to its once strong, mobile, and athletic potential.

And this is where we are here to help.

We are here to clearly identify the root of your issue, lay out a structured game-plan for recovery, and show you exactly what your body is still capable of.

We will give you a sense of relief knowing that you have a team lead by our expert physical therapists guiding you every step of the way. A team that is invested in your long-term success and longevity of your physical wellbeing.

Our team will provide you with a physical therapy game-plan, hands-on care, custom exercise programming, and numerous educational resources to get the job done.

The first step in that plan is to speak to our expert physical therapists with a discovery visit.

During this phone call we’ll answer any questions you have, identify how we can help you best, and then pair you with one of our expert clinicians. Click below to schedule your discovery visit!